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SPI Character Length and FIFO Question F28075

Hey all,

This is hopefully a fairly straightforward question, but after reading the TRM for the F28075 the answer wasn't spelled out explicitly so I thought someone on here could verify.

I am looking to talk over SPI to a 16 bit external DAC that is looking for a 24 bit word to for each data point it puts out.  I was planning to parse the data and configuration bits into 3 separate 8 bit chunks, and put them into 2 different FIFO word registers and the SPITXBUF register and let the SPI peripheral shift them out sequentially without delay.  I know that the character length is set by the SPICHAR bit in the SPICCR register, I just want verification that if I set the SPICHAR length to 8 bits and that if I used the 3 word registers that I would get a 24 sequential bit stream.  The documentation for the FIFO isn't very specific about this.  I want to know if the hardware forces the FIFO register to shift out all 16 bits before moving on to the next FIFO register in the sequence.

Best regards,


  • Lance,

    You will want to use 3 writes to the SPITXBUF. You will left-shift the 8-bit word to be transmitted in each write. Essentially, the first 16-bit word will be transferred to the shift register where the upper 8 bits will be shifted out to the data line.then the SPI will copy the next 16-bit word in the FIFO to the shift register and repeat. The F2807x SPI has a 16-level FIFO regardless of the word size. For example, you can store sixteen 2-bit words, or you can store sixteen 16-bit words in the FIFO without any data packing.

  • Mark,

    I think I understand what you are saying.  Here is a quick bit of code I put together which I believe should work (may need refinement) as I want based on your advice.

    I configure the SPI peripheral for 8 bit characters and FIFO operation.  I also include code to parse the 16 bit data to send it out in separate chunks left justified.  I execute 3 sequential writes to the SPITXBUF register to start filling up the FIFO. Based on my understanding from your explanation this would end up creating the continuous 24-bit long data stream on the SPISIMOA pin.  Is that correct?

    Somewhere else in code I would plan to use the interrupt flag to tell when the SPI module has finished sending out the data, but omitted it. 

    void SPI_DAC_CNF(){
    //SPI Register Configuration
        //SPICCR Registers
        SpiaRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPISWRESET = 0;
        SpiaRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPICHAR = 0x7;  //8-bit characters
        SpiaRegs.SPICCR.bit.CLKPOLARITY = 0;  //Clock polarity (data out on rising clock edge)
        //SPICTL Reigsters
        SpiaRegs.SPICTL.bit.MASTER_SLAVE = 1;    //Configure as a master to transmit on SPISIMOA
        SpiaRegs.SPICTL.bit.CLK_PHASE = 1;    //Clock phase, half cycle offset
        SpiaRegs.SPICTL.bit.TALK = 1;    //Enable data transmit via SPI
        SpiaRegs.SPICTL.bit.SPIINTENA = 1;     //Enable SPI interrupts
        //SPIPRI Registers
        SpiaRegs.SPIPRI.bit.STEINV = 0;        //SPISTE bar acitve low
        SpiaRegs.SPIPRI.bit.TRIWIRE = 0;    //Normal 4 wire operation
        //SPIBRR Registers
        SpiaRegs.SPIBRR.all = 0;    //Set Baud rate to max rate, 15Mbaud
        //SPI FIFO Registers
        SpiaRegs.SPIFFTX.all = 0xC020;    //Set TX FIFO to throw a flag when the TX FIFO is empty
        SpiaRegs.SPIFFRX.all = 0x0023;    //Set RX FIFO to throw a flag when the RX FIFO has 3 entries
        SpiaRegs.SPIFFCT.all = 0x00;
        SpiaRegs.SPICCR.bit.SPISWRESET = 1;        //Enable SPI

    void SPI_DAC_WRITE(unsigned int data)
        unsigned int address; //address variable, just a dummy varaible for this example.
        address = address << 8;  //left shift to make tx buff happy.
        //Conditioning on input data to be ready for 8 bit TX FIFO
        unsigned int arraydata[2];
        arraydata[0] = data << 8;
        arraydata[1] = data >> 8;
        arraydata[1] = arraydata[1] << 8;
        //Load up the TX buffer and FIFO with the 3 8-bit chunks to have SPI peripheral clock out the 24-bit string
        SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = address;        //8 bit DAC address
        SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = arraydata[1];    //8 MSBs of data
        SpiaRegs.SPITXBUF = arraydata[0];    //8 LSBs of data

  • Lance,

    You are correct.

    I am not sure what you are trying to do here:

        arraydata[0] = data << 8;
        arraydata[1] = data >> 8;
        arraydata[1] = arraydata[1] << 8;

    Really you can just do something like this and accomplish the same thing.

    [1]    arraydata[0] = data << 8;
    [2]    arraydata[1] = data & 0xFF00;

    Line 1 is the same. you are shifting the LSB to the MSB to be copied into the FIFO. Line 2 is more clear. In reality, you could just save the bitwise operation and just write 'data' to arraydata[1], since the SPI will only transmit the MSB it really doesn't matter what the LSB is.
