Let me first say that I am not an engineer but only dabble as a hobby. I have designed both the schematic included as well as adapting the layout of the evaluation kit board for my design. I am trying to charge either a 10mA or 20 mA single cell using a small Panasonic sunceram cell. The power out of the solar cell is peak at 3.5v/10mA for one verison and 2.4v/20mA for another model. I get almost nothing from the output end of the circuit in either design. If I connect a 1.5v battery, the voltage ouput of the circuit starts low and then goes up to the 4.1v and stops based on my resistive divider. I was under the impression that this chip would work with low output solar cells - I have read the various artlcles written about this cheap to include the one from Jurgen Neuhaeusler. Either I have grossly misunderstood the specs or miss-designed the board. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I am looking to design this as an on-board charge for a very small mobile robotics platform.