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bq51013 Receiver Circuit Restarts

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ51013, SWITCHERPRO, TPS61085, BQ51013A


I have built several boards using the bq51013 EVM receiver circuit and a TPS61085 boost converter circuit(designed in SwitcherPRO Design Software) to increase the voltage level to 5.7Volts. The problem that is that when a load of 580mA(required by end application of the circuit) is connected the system begins to restart again and again and continues as long as the load is attached. the boost converter draws 780mA of current during this state.

At a lesser load of about 350mA at boost converter output the system works just fine.

What could be the possible reason for the circuit for not being able to deliver the required load current. And how can it be fixed. Schematic of the circuit(W C R.jpg) has been attached for reference.



  • There is a long list of things that could cause the problem.

    To narrow the problem down I would recommend disconnecting the boost converter and test the wireless power 5V RX with a resistive load to determine if it can provide 1.0A at 5V without problems.


    The boost converter may be drawing a heavy load at start up and crashing the 5V.

  • The boost converter was disconnected and then a resistive load of 850mA was connected to the 5V output of the receiver, it worked just fine. The maximum current which boost drains at start-up was recorded at 800mA. Also since the receiver chip has current limit function so it will limit the current when pulled beyond its limit setting, it should not shutdown or should it? 

    It seems as if the boost circuit noise is affecting the receiver IC causing it to shutdown. Could that be the problem?



  • Yes—the RX will communicate with the TX using load modulation and changes in the output load look the same.  But the TX only has to receive a valid communication packet every 1.2sec to continue power transfer.  The packets are sent every 250mS.

    More filtering on 5V output may help.

    Also the bq51013A has Com I-Limit which will help this problem. It is almost a drop in replacement.