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Fatal error: Failed to identify device .Use SmartRF05EB &CC2541 IAR EW8051

I use the IAR EW 8051 the lastest version to download the example code C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.2.1\Projects\ble\SimpleBLEPeripheral\CC2541DB

to the TI SmartRF05EB &CC2541board.

but the IAR always show me this error

Fatal error: Failed to identify device. Check connections and/or reset hardware   Session aborted!

i have installed the SmartRF05EB driver again, but it doesn't work.

i try to use the TI smart RF flash programmer to download  program, but it doesn't display the chip type and EB fireware ID of SmartRF05EB board

is there anyone know the solution?



  • Hello meijia,

    When you connect the cable to the SmartRF, press the reset button.

  • hi, thanks for you help

    i press the reset button, it still doesn't work.

    i use cc debugger to connect the SmartRF, the green light is on.

  • Hello meijia,

    O.K. then, try using SmartRF Programmer, connect the CCDebugger to the SmartRF and in the Programmer menu bar select Program Evaluation Board and reset the CCDebugger.  If the device appears then do the next step.  Otherwise I would say you have a problem with the hardware.

    Then load the Flash Image from Texas Instruments/SmartRF Tools/Firmware/SmartRF05EB/cebal_fw_srf05eb.hex or Texas Instruments/SmartRF Tools/Firmware/SmartRF05EB/usb_bootloader_srf05eb.hex, I don't use the SmartRF05EB.

    You may also want to do it with all the CC254x boards not connected to the EB.  You can also try using the BLEv1.3 and see if that works.

    Hope this clears it up.  If not, perhaps someone from TI will be able to assist you better.


  • Do you see the CCDebugger when you connect it alone using SmartRF Programmer?

    If you don't, then check your windows device manage to see if the Cebal Controlled Device is present.  If it isn't, then reload the driver for your system.

    You can search the forum for help on your system if it is not Windows XP.


  • thank you for your help,  the problem has been solved.

  • Well that is good news!

    Now, here are two things I would like you to do.  First, just exactly what did you do to resolve the problem and second, hit the verify to close out this question.

    By doing both of these, if someone else has a similar issue, when they search the forum, they will have a definite answer.
