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I have two problems with BLE security:
1) I would like to add some security to my sensortag (cc2650). To do so, I am using GapBondMgr profile. The main issue is MITM (man in the middle) during key exchange (AES key). BLE solution is to use a passcode to prevent the attackers from listening the key transferred wirelessly. In this approach, the passcode cannot transmit wirelessly and is displayed on one device (LCD). Now the problem is that sensortag does not have LCD or keyboard. I thought about replacing a global key and private key to exchange the AES key. After that, the connection can be secured by AES key? ----> I am talking about ECDH approach?
I think it is not released yet! Is it possible to add it to the system? or we need to wait till TI release it?
2) I would like to have a small user management system in the sensor tag as well. In a way that as a owner of my sensortag, I give permission to some friend to read the data. How can I implement it? I would to ask the sensor to generate an access token for me and store the token in its memory. and then I will share the generated token with my friend. whenever my friend wants to work with the sensor, sensortag asks for a token and looksup it in its memory to see its valid or not? does make sense? if yes, where should I add this function? in the GapBondMgr?