I am working on CC2530 PWM output Timer 1 on P0_2 port but when I start a program below ,I don't get pwm signals on P0_2.
This is my code :
P0DIR |= 0x04; // P0_2 port
P0SEL &= ~0x04;
P0_2 ^= 1; // P0_2 set to be output
T1CTL |= 0x0f; // divide with 128 and to do i up-down mode
T1CC0L = 0xff; // PWM signal period
T1CC0H = 0x7f;
T1CC1L = 0x78; // PWM duty cycle
T1CC1H = 0x10;
T1CCTL1 |= 0x1c;
PERCFG |= 0x00;
Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong and where is mistake...Thank You