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CC2340R5: CC2500 COMPATIBLE whitening

Expert 3730 points
Part Number: CC2340R5
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2500, , CC2510

Hi Champs,

MSK 250kbps: I can select CC2500 COMPATIBLE for whitening.

GFSK 2Mbps: I can only select PN9 for whitening. Does it support CC2500 COMPATIBLE in this PHY configuration? If yes, how? If no, why?

MSK 250kbps

GFSK 2Mbps



Kien Nguyen

  • Kien,

    According to the Application Note DN509, it seems to indicate the CC2500 device uses PN9 as its whitening scheme. It might either be a misnomer or perhaps there is indeed a difference.

    From a device perspective, the radio itself supports whitening through a combination of peripherals, which is irrespective of the modulation scheme. However, as section 22.4.1 of the CC2340R5 TRM mentions, this is indeed only available to a customer via SmartRF Studio. 

    Due to these factors, I will notify the SW team as they are the ones supporting the SmartRF Tool.

    Best regards,


  • Rafael,

    Thanks for your response. Yes, please get someone help me on this.


    Kien Nguyen

  • Hello Kien Nguyen,

    I hope you are doing well. Rafael notified me of your issue, we developed a special whitening mode for the 250 kbps FEC PHY to work with the CC2500 (CC2510 specifically) devices. The CC2500 whitening mode allows the CC2340R5 to communicate in the correct bit sequence with the CC2510, which in other whitening mode had some issues. Currently only the 250 kbps FEC PHY supports this special mode, though you may be able to look at how this whitening mode was enabled within the 250 kbps FEC .phy file itself and apply it to the other PHYs .phy file to allow the option to show up (though this has not been tested fully).

    Alex F  

  • Alex,

    Thanks for your support.


    Kien Nguyen

  • Alex,

    Could you please help me figure out which register affecting the PN9 whitening for CC2500 compatible mode?

    I have exported 2 sets of configuration files from Smart Studio 8 but confused on which registers to modify.


    Kien Nguyen

  • Hello Kien Nguyen, 

    I did a text compare between the CC2500 whitening mode and the PN9 mode we get the following differences (PN9 is the red, CC2500 mode is green): 

    in the rf configs .c file we get

    in the rf configs .h file we get

    So one register is notably changed (0x0 vs 0x01) 

    Alex F