Part Number: TPS65381A-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am working with the TPS65381A-Q1 PMIC and facing an issue with transitioning to the Diagnostic state after power-on. When I power on the PMIC, my code sends the required SPI command to enter the Diagn…
Hi Michael,
Kindly reminder,
Could you consider both situations separately and make a suggestion?
I would like you to offer 2 different best solutions with and without functional security feature.
I look forward to your respond.
Part Number: TPS65381A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F2800157 Tool/software: Hello,
In our project, we are using TMS320F2800157 with TPS65381A-Q1 PMIC. Currently, we do not want to use the internal regulator of TMS320F2800157 to generate a 1…
Part Number: TMS320F2800157 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65381A-Q1 , Tool/software: Hello,
In our project, we are using TMS320F2800157 and PMIC TPS65381A-Q1 together.
We decided to use internal VREG for 1V2 VDD supply. Schematic is attached.
Part Number: TPS65381A-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
Having the TPS driver state machine running in ACTIVE mode, I am trying to start TPS LBIST test by writing the SAFETY_BIST_CTRL with value 0x4 (Set LBIST_EN bit to 1).
I send the command to unlock the register…
Hi Board designers,
The current circuit diagram is as shown in ② , and if there are no issues with this, I would like to proceed as is.
We have updated or will be updating the pin connectivity requirements to allow the unused open drain I2C interface to…
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Tool/software: Why is my LBIST status read by invoking the function 'SDL_LBIST_getPOSTStatus(&postResult)' - SDL_LBIST_POST_NOT_RUN?
Part Number: TPS65224-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65223 , TPS65224 , AM62P Tool/software: For developing with TPS6522x PMIC (TPS65224(-Q1), TPS65223 (-Q1) , TPS65222 (-Q1) and TPS65221 (-Q1) ) drivers will be needed to handle PMIC configuration for…
Hi Board designers,
Additional information for enabling boundary scan using EMU0..1
The BSDL model (bsm) found online does not work
Can you please confirm if you have changed the logic states applied to the EMU[1:0] inputs to place the device in boundary…