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Part Number: AM62L Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM620-Q1 , AM625 , AM623 , AM625-Q1 , AM625SIP , AM62D-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A7-Q1 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62P-Q1 , AM62P ,
Hi TI Experts,
Can you share the external LVCMOS clock specifications and guidelines…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P , AM62L
HI TI experts,
We are considering implementing power architecture using discrete DC/DC and LDO.
Do you have some recommendations or recommendation for the below:
1. Power…
Part Number: AM625
SYSFW/TIFS supports key revoke use case via TISCI API TISCI_MSG_WRITE_KEYREV. https://software-dl.ti.com/tisci/esd/latest/6_topic_user_guides/otp_revision.html#dual-signed-certificate-for-writing-keyrev https://software…
Part Number: TDA4AEN-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA226 Tool/software: Can we use Linux to enable the on-board INA226 instances to measure power?
Part Number: J784S4XEVM
Utility to print TIOVX_OBJ_DESC_MEM usage by the application.
TIOVX_OBJ_DESC_MEM is used to store all the object descriptors used by the application.
Part Number: AM62L Tool/software: HI TI experts,
Can you provide more inputs on the RTC Clock Signal as below
1. Use cases
2. Connection when not used
3. Using crystal or Oscillator
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDS64EVM , SYSCONFIG
I am running Linux on the A53 cores, and I want to control a networking interface with an R5F core. How do I get the Linux cores and the R5F core to run…