Part Number: AM2631 Hello,
I was recently provided access to SDK-MCAL secured resource for the TI AM263x, and upon inspecting the content it seems like I have only been provided licenses and the installer for EB Tresos application. Could a TI expert please…
Part Number: AM2631-Q1 Tool/software: Team,
For Autosar MCAL for Sitara AM263x, does we provide an MCAL configuration demonstration? We have found the below , but more looking for an explanation about what needs to be configured:
Hello Huynh Nguyen,
Thank you for the note,
Huynh Nguyen said: I understand and while I am inquiry about AM263x GPMC interface, I already knew that AM64xx group also made
TMDS64DC02EVM, GPMC-NAND card for internal use. I also had the schematic diagram for…
Part Number: AM2631 Hello,
Running the GPMC sample code of SDK ( am263x_09_01_00_41 ), I am setting the GPMC_CLK_SRC_SEL using a GEL file before main gets to run. When reaching HwiP_enableFIQ(), the value is modified.
Is it intended?
Part Number: AM2631 I got simular issue, I imported the empty example project from the SDK and tried to load it onto AM263x_cc emulator board.
I was loading the program from Debug as ->CCS project session.
Part Number: AM2631 Hello,
I have had the need to modify one of the SDK's supplied files (gpmc_v0.c) in the folder C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am263x_09_01_00_41\source\drivers\gpmc\v0. However, it seems to have no effect on the generated executable.
Part Number: AM2631 Hello,
Is it possible to configure the PLL, and the clkout pins, using SysCfg? I don't see it using SysCfg nor found the gel file (for this uC) described in…
Part Number: AM2631
For my project it is necessary to achieve the following frequencies to interface with peripherals:
GPCM: 21.33 MHZ (64 MHz/3)
CLKOUT1: 21.33 MHZ (64 MHz/3)
(besides, periodic interrupts of 2ms and 22ms are also…
Part Number: AM2631 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM2634 Given that AM2631 does not support XIP (eXecution In Place), is it fair to assume that the complete SBL and Application (from Flash through QSPI) are transferred to internal RAM and thus the…
Part Number: AM2631 I have Python3 installed with all (that I think) of the required dependencies. Note it took a while to figure out that I needed TQDM and how to include the PCAN header. However now it executes but gets no response from the target.…