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Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
Following examples are failing in SDK 10.01.00 version in am263px-cc PROC159A board:
sbl ospi
ospi examples
mcan_external_read_write / canfd_external_read_wr…
Part Number: AM2612 AM263P4 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH
Note: Valid for only AM263Px and AM261x devices
Hi Expert,
How do I add custom flash programming support in Uniflash tool using MCU PLUS SDK.
Part Number: TMS570LC4357 Tool/software: 1. What is the remote frame used for?
2. What is the difference between remote frame and data frame?
3. Is a transmit object used for remote frame?
4. Should the DLC of remote frame be identical to the DLC of…
Part Number: TMS570LS1224 Tool/software: The TMS57LS12x and TMS570LS07x have one LIN/SCI. If an extra SCI is required, we can implement an SCI using N2HET module. TI provides example code of N2HET emulated SCI.
I got several feedbacks that the N2HET…
Part Number: TMS570LC4357 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Tool/software: 1. Why does the TCF generation fail?
2. What are the possible reasons for build failure?
3. When the test execution hung, what should we do?
5. Can I use HalCoGen TAU to…
Part Number: LP-AM243 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
I am trying to modify the gpio_input_interrupt example for the R5F0-0 core to direct the GPIO interrupt to the PRU core.
Requirement: GPIO1_0 interrupt -> MAIN_GPIOMUX_INT…
Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM243X Tool/software: Hi, can AM243x OSPI work with a PSRAM? If so, which are the HW and SW modifications required? When is OSPI PSRAM a good fit as memory expansion?
Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263PX Tool/software: Hi Experts,
I am facing following problems while installing the MacOS installer of MCU-PLUS-SDK. It says the .dmg file is damaged and it cannot be installed. Could you please check this.
Part Number: AM2434 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK1C1104
There is the description “ A DC steady-state condition is not allowed on MCU_OSC0_XI when the oscillator is powered up. ” at MCU_OSC0 LVCMOS Digital…