The S25FL128L Series boots in 1S mode for me in both ( 1S boot option, or in xSPI boot option) , but doesn't boot in 4S mode. We would like to speed up booting with 4S mode if possible. I have it hooked up to a logic analyzer, so I export the boot…
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hello
I would like to know about the CLKOUT0 output.
Technical Reference Manual: SPRUJ55B Table 6-28 states that XTALCLK can be selected as the clock source for CLKOUT0.
If the input to XTALCLK is 25MHz +50ppm,…
Hi Sebastian,
The issue was with the Flash address that you have configured, it should be 0x80000000 instead of 60000000.
Sebastien Chapeau said: Adding 256 bytes to flash start location:
Somehow I missed to validate it in the first go.
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Could you tell me when when the tmdscnsd263_system\makefile_system_ccs_bootimage_gen file is generated?
It says in the file "Auto generated makefile", but when is this generated?
It says in the…
Hi Douglas,
We have identified the issue and we are working on getting the fix for this for next SDK release. Please allow me sometime to get back on the expected date.
Menawhile you can continue with DEV boot mode for application development: software…
Part Number: AM263P4 Tool/software: Hi Team,
In TI documentation, we are seeing reference to a requirement for a clock buffer on the JTAG clock.
In our design, we have two devices on the clock pin, acting as two loads, about 91 mm of trace length.
Part Number: AM263P4 Tool/software: Dear team,
Does i support double precision float calculation by;
- FPU?
- Software?
If it is only supported by software, is there anyway to optimize its calculation?
the double float is required by customer but they…
Part Number: AM263P4 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM2634 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using AM263Px MCAL 10.0 in an Autosar project. I noticed that Fls function Nor_OspiWrite takes long time to write.
Because this function is not an async function, it is…