Part Number: AM5706 Tool/software: Does the Profinet of this chip still require authorization from Siemens? Or did you already have authorization from Siemens before?
Part Number: AM5706 Good morning,
We are mounting AM5706 on our custom board using a 19.2 Mhz as xi_osc0. We have set sysboot8 and sysboot9 to 1 and 1 as in the references. On the MPU we have Linux 5.10.168 built with Yocto Kirkstone; as clock source…
Part Number: AM5706 I woould like to know if there is any documentation about secure boot. I found this but I need something more specific. The best would be how to implement secure boot using Yocto environment…
Hi Joe,
I was going through some old threads that were open. Apologies for the long delay, but is this thread still open?
I looked into what is being done for the next generation device after AM57x in the Linux driver and found this function for sending…
Hi Sarath,
Venkateswara made another post here:
Unfortunately, I will need a significant amount of time to experiment and give a more…
Part Number: AM5706 I am using PCIe Interface of AM5706 (Gen 2.0). AM5706 will be root-complex and it will be configured as x1 lane of 2 ports. Whether this mode is compatible?
From Datasheet , I came to know it won't support both ports at Gen2.0, one…
Part Number: AM5706 I am using AM5706 as PCIe 1.0 two Root-complex of x1 lane
We are following two approach for the ref clock of PCIe.
One is providing external input to PCIe Clk. What is the input/Output driver of LJCB_CLKP. Is it HCSL or LVDS?
The latter…
Due to regional holiday, the expert handling this thread is currently out of office. Please expect a 1~2 day delay in responses. Apologies for the delay, and thank you for you patience.
Part Number: AM5706 Hello, My cusotmer has a question for CS configuration in GPMC. Now they are using 3 CS area like the below. CS0 0x0800_0000 ~ 0x09FF_FFFF CS2 0x1800_0000 ~ 0x1FFF_FFFF CS3 0x1000_0000 ~ 0x17FF_FFFF
CS3 is assinged to smaller address than…