Part Number: AM5728 Tool/software: I recently started using the hardware boot partitions on eMMC. Reads from /dev/mmcblk1boot[0|1] typically return the expected data. Occasionally however, a read will return data not from /dev/mmcblk1boot0 but from …
Part Number: AM5728 Tool/software: Hello,
We are working on AM5728 EVM and we were trying to compile the linux examples in linux SDK 6.03.106 . Were are facing issue in compilation. All the video tutorials and documentation related to linux examples…
Part Number: AM5728 Tool/software: Hi!
Is there a way to configure static IP in the latest evm572X evm default image? There is a interface file and it seems to be running but something seems to be setting either back or it does not really change it from…
Have you looked into using the following tool?
Josue Zamitiz-Ayala said: ifrename
Again, Please seek further assistance with the open source community. Our support will very scarce moving forward.
Part Number: AM5728 Tool/software: In the dsplib_fft example provided in the OpenCL examples for the AM57xx platform, the dsplib_3_4_0_0.ae66 library is used. I am trying to understand the process to generate this library from the DSPLib source code…
Part Number: AM5728 Tool/software: Hi team,
Can SDK Version: resolve these challenges?
AM5728: Wayland + EGL on SDK 9.x
PROCESSOR-SDK-AM57X: sdk image issues
Best regards, Goto