Part Number: AM5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5728 Tool/software: 1. Yes, This is our own application.
2. Communication issue is occurring because of processor halt condition after running for 20 to 22 days continuously. It is very random.
3. …
Part Number: AM5729 Tool/software: We are using,
Processor - AM572x
Ti-RTOS - bios_6_76_03_01
PDK package - pdk_am57_1_0_17
We run on single core A15, we see firmware works fine for 25-30 days and suddenly it halts, we interested to know the cause of…
Part Number: AM5729 Tool/software: Hi Ti E2E forum, I'd like some advice I'm having on an illegal instruction issue: Any time I run the mobilenet_subgraph example in the TIDL examples, I encounter an Illegal instruction when it tries to use the EVE…
Part Number: AM5729
Hi, I am having some problems with ti-opencl monitor firmware execution which I believe may be related to the related question on this post. I have a variety of different AM5729 chips: Those with a DIE_ID_2 (Part Number…
MERT YIGIT said: .My code starts immediately after u-boot and EVEs need to be reset.
Would you please confirm if you are using PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM57X or PROCESSOR-SDK-RTOS-AM57X? and which boot flow using here?
Have you tried the SOC configuration AM5729 ?
Josue Zamitiz-Ayala said: Can you elaborate on what the reset option is? I am not sure if this is a CCS option or a build option for your SW...
Part Number: AM5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS Tool/software: Hi AM5729 champ !
- SDK used by customer : DSP RTOS : version am57xx_08_01_00_09
My customer wants to use AM5729 to receive video data from Video Decoder through VIP1 port and…
Part Number: AM5729 Tool/software: Hi, Just wanted to get some clarification on DDR3 Memory design for the AM5729. I was just wondering if it is supported to have 2 x 4GB DDR3 Memory devices setup in a daisy chain topology into EMIF1. I have seen some…
Part Number: AM5729 Tool/software: Hi, I am doing some development using an AM5729 custom board using SDK 6.03. I am in the process of stress testing the system and have run into errors using stressapptest from Linux. Here is my output: sudo stressapptest…