Hi Tushar, Could please provide some more details on the issue your are observing? - SDK version on which this issue has been observed - VLC application version, and how it has been installed Detailed procedure on how to reproduce with VLC On the video stream…
Part Number: AM62P Tool/software: Hallo,
can you please supply the AM62Px Pin Attributes AMH package (document SPRSP89 Table 6-1) in Excel format? Thank you in advance.
Hello Sahana,
Sahana DV said: Without knowing the physical address of RAM corresponding to RAM ID of Aggregator, we are not able to access that memory after injecting error using function SDL_ECC_injectError.
Since SDL uses relative addresses to inject…
Part Number: AM62P Tool/software: Current testing has revealed that there is a possibility of out-of-memory (OOM) issues during the initial power-on startup phase. Once the system stabilizes, OOM issues are generally not encountered. After stable operation…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62P Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P Tool/software: Hi
I am trying to build am62p Yocto with configs/processor-sdk/processor-sdk-kirkstone-chromium- .
I am getting an error. please find the error…
Part Number: SK-AM62P-LP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: M2-CC3351 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using SK-AM62P-LP. Can you help me in integrating WiFi and BT module through M2 connector.
Regards, Dharshini V
Part Number: SK-AM62P-LP
Hi Kallikuppa Sreenivasa
Continuing to on my request on this thread since thread was locked but issue is still open:
Part Number: AM62P-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
The datasheet indicates there is a SR1.1 but the errata list is only up to date for SR1.0. Have any of the errata's from SR1.0 been address in SR1.1? Are there any new errata?
Part Number: SK-AM62P-LP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hello, I'm working on this board and I'm trying to test the falcon mode but I'm facing some problems. Our requirement is HMI in < 4s so I guess falcon mode is…
Part Number: AM62P Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: 1. download MCU+ SDK and build
2. cd tool/boot/HSMAppimageGen; make -s BOARD=am62px-sk all
3. cd tool/boot/linuxAppimageGen ; make -s BOARD=am62px-sk allscreenshot-20241217-112320…