Hi Hong,
we are testing the sequence “RTI_WDT timeout => ESM => SoC RESET” on both the AM64-EVM and our AM6421 board. The reboot only works on the AM64-EVM.
Best regards, Stefan
Narasimha Rao said: We are unable to test the enet_icssg_loopback_am64x-evm_r5fss0-0_nortos_ti-arm-clang example from SDK in MII mode.
What exactly the issue are you facing?
Hi Nikhil,
Daolin Qiu said: Are you planning to run the Industrial Port (ICSSG1 MII) in half-duplex or will this always be using full-duplex mode? Daolin Qiu said: This indicates to me that it's possible to configure your setup with the following combina…
Part Number: AM6421 Tool/software: I asked a question over a year ago but didn't see the response by Swargam Anil. Let me repose it: Is there any sample code utilizing the DMSS to pass work between the R5f core and the A53 core. Here is my use case…
Part Number: AM6421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , Tool/software: Hi,
I am using AM6421. can A53 use the GPMC in AM6421?. in the sysconfig for A53, there is no GPMC selection.
If A53 can use GPMC, is there an example for this?
thank you! …
Vaibhav Kumar said: Apart from this can you please remind me of the SDK version you are using so that I can go ahead and check the write Direct API implementation.
Since this has not been given out, I am checking the latest version and will provide…
Part Number: AM6421 Tool/software: HI,
on our Design with AM6421 we used the CLKOUT0 Ball U13 for 50MHz PHY CLK for CPSW RMII1 Interface,
but we have no CLK on the Output Ball U13.
If I configure the sysboot Pins for Ethernet RMII Boot, then 25MHz comes…
Hello Kai Schröder,
It would be helpful if you could try to reproduce this issue with the SDK EtherCAT Simple demo example?
You can also create one additional RxPDO or TxPDO and change its size and test it.
Kind Regards,