Part Number: AM6422 Tool/software: Hello,
We have looked at the example. The current maximum transmission bytes is 512. Now our requirement is to transfer files. Between Linux and rtos, we want to achieve large amounts of data access through shared…
Part Number: AM6422 Tool/software: Hello,
We now want to use the R5F core of AM6422, use the ADC inside the SOC to sample, collect through DMA, generate a DMA interrupt after a certain time, and then process the sampled data in the sampling buffer.…
Part Number: AM6422
Hi TI Support Team,
For your information, I am using SDKv09.02.01.10.
Please provide the steps for how to transfer a 10 KB or 5KB data file from the A53 core (running Linux) to an R5F core (running RTOS) in the TI AM64xx…
Part Number: AM6422
Hi TI Support Team,
I am trying to display the product logo from the U-Boot loader on the custom board AM6422. I have configured the SPI device driver in U-Boot to communicate with the spi-LCD. However, I am encountering…
Part Number: AM6422
I am using PRU-Software-Support-Package version 6.4.0
From which I had successfully able to run the example projects PRU_RPMsg_Echo_Interrupt0…
Part Number: AM6422 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P Tool/software: Hello,
We plan to use the R5F core for development and want to use low-power mode. Can you provide information about low-power consumption? It would be best to know the operating…
Part Number: AM6422 Tool/software: Hi Ti Expert,
In our custom board, we're trying to configure Igh ethercat applications, but we encounter Time out error when lauching ethercat and no slave is detected. We can see with the command ethercat master that…
Hello Swargam, could you help to check my question?
As our setttings of GPMC NOR single read/write , CS signal is always asserted, is it good behavior?