Part Number: AM6442 Tool/software: Dear Team, We are using AM6442 in one of our designs, where we are using LPDDR4 interface. For LPDDR4 interface we are planning to set the Single Ended Impedance as 48Ohms. Though the TI recommendation is to have 40Ohms…
Hi Yuchuan,
Answering your first query.
yuchuan xing said: As there are several queue mode (TRM, Which mode is used in Linux SDK UBOOT to handle PRU Ethernet receive? Is the first one "Ring Mode"?
We use ring mode. PRU Ethernet TX…
Some discussion on RingACC work methods here:
(+) AM6442: AM6442 PRU Ethernet receive packet DMA Ring Acc question - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums
Still need more suggestion on next debug.
Part Number: AM6442 Tool/software: Greetings,
We have developed a custom hardware board, based heavily on the AM64x EVM board. One difference is that we don’t use the on-chip ethernet switch for ethernet, however we utilize the 4 PRU ICSSG ethernet ports…
Part Number: AM6442 Tool/software: I am working with the AM6442 Sitara Processor from Texas Instruments, which features an ARM Cortex-A53 core running Linux and ARM Cortex-R5F cores running bare-metal code. I am trying to implement mailbox-based communication…
Hello Sreenivasa,
Thank you very much for your assistance. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I am pleased to inform you that we have achieved an optimal power supply configuration for the AM6442.
Best regards,
Part Number: AM6442 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi Nick,
Concerning this topic AM6442: LED23 on TMDS64EVM EvalKit - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums , I've found what's wrong.
I hope my answer will…
Part Number: AM6442 Tool/software: Dear Team, We are using AM6442 in one of our designs and requires power consumption analysis before design finalize.
From the TI website database, the Max current rating details only found and but our analysis requires…
Hello TI,
Is there any update,
As suggested in one of your comments, we are trying to implement ecap in capture mode.
The driver used for ecap is "drivers/pwm/pwm-tiecap.c" which is completely written for pwm mode, how can we test ecap in capture mode…