Part Number: DAC8501 Tool/software: DAC8501E_23bitDataIn.pdf
Hello Jones
Thank you for your reply.
I'll attach the waveform I got.
I hope this helps in some way.
Best regards,
Part Number: DAC8501 Tool/software: I'd like to know about the DAC8501E.
When I input 23-bit data in with the CLK while sync is Low, and then return the sync signal to Hi, Vout changes.(Unexpected behavior)
The data I input is 0 for the first 6 bits…
Part Number: DAC8501 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio The application environment is shown as the figure. Two decoupling capacitors, i.e., 0.1uF and 1uF ceramic chip capacitors are connected to Pin 1. VDD=3.3V(3.29V by the multimeter), VREF=2.5V(2.49V…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8501 Hi,
Let me ask you basic questions about DAC8501 as below.
Q1) the meaning of "Multiplying"
What is the meaning of "Multiplying"?
I suppose that the meaning is from "DAC output = Vref * DAC input…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8501 , DAC8551 Anyone know the difference between these two DACs other than price (8551 is cheaper)? We use the DAC8501 to generate audio with the ref fixed at 1.1 V and do not use the multiplying capability. Low power…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8501 Hi,
I've a board with one DAC8501. There is a basic R/C filter at the output (1ko / 100nF).The FB line of the internal OPAMP of the DAC8501 is connected to the filter output.
The reference voltage is 4.096V…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC6311 , DAC7551 , DAC161S055 , DAC8551 , DAC101S101 , DAC121S101 , DAC7512 , DAC8531 , DAC8501 , DAC8560 , DAC8881 Do we have a DAC ( SPEC is similar as DAC6311) with a less than 1mm height ?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8501 Hello everyone,
I am using McBSP0 on the C6713 to drive an SPI DAC (TI's DAC8501).
I noticed that if I do the following:
while(!MCBSP_xrdy(DAC_McBSP_Handle)); MCBSP_write(DAC_McBSP_Handle, 0x2222); while(1)…