Part Number: C6415
The product selector here:
does not show any information about clock rate, memory capacity, or SIMD etc.
Given these basic assumptions:
power and footprint…
Part Number: DM3730 Tool/software: Hi Ti support,
i got a Ti-u-boot source from ti-u-boot/ti-u-boot - This project will contain all publicly available source code for TI’s U-Boot offering. The contents of this project must be shareable and redistributable…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DM3730 Tool/software: is anyone looking for 4Gbit or 8Gbit LPDDR parts from Micron in the 168-POP BGA package?
A 3rd party has remanufactured these parts using the Micron die and can offer compatible parts to work with…
Part Number: DM3730 Tool/software: Dear Ti Team:
For our current design board used DM3730, I have search the TRM documents,
I want to modify special scratchpad memory the 0x48002910 's value, and need the modified
value should…
Part Number: DM3730 Tool/software: Hi,
I'm using xloader 1.46, with 1bit ECC, but it's a too weak correction scheme. I wish to go to a BCH8 ECC scheme, but I can't find source code of this version.
I've read that X-loader 1.51 implements BCH8…
Part Number: DM3730 Dear Ti Team:
I have current design upgrade project need to launch, our current design is platform is DM3730CBPA, but the pop LPDDR is going to EOL and without alternative part,
So, we need to evaluate DM3730CUSA (without…
Part Number: DM3730 Hi Ti support
Out production is designed with DM3730, used two MMC channel, there are:
And the device bootloader is u-boot-2011.06
Now, the MMC1 can be detected and could read/write EMMC device successful…
Part Number: DM3730 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65930 , Dear Ti teams:
I am using Flash tools to burn MLO, but he USB seems cann't be recongnize by computer, (hardware is TPS65930 + DM3730 + Micron PoP ddr )
the USB port can recognize…