Part Number: DP83848I-MAU-EK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB-2-MDIO Hi,
I am using with MSP430G2 and DP83848 MAU combine . The MAU came with default at 100Mbps. The script in USB2MDIO tool set for 100Mbps. I tried change it to 10M. Not work. I had…
Hi Gerwin,
Thanks for submitting your query, I would be glad to help. Yes you can! For reference, please refer to the DP83848K-MAU-EK . The Altium layout file is available in the Design Files tab.
Note that this is the 848 K variant of the part, the PFBOUT…
Part Number: DP83848K-MAU-EK The DP83848K-MAU-EK board silkscreen does not indicate the location for J10.
Can the User Guide (snlu90) and Top Silkscreen (SV012986) be updated to help customers locate this pin more easily? The only way to find it is to…
Hi Inge,
Although the 2.5 second delay is working for your prototype, this may lead to corner cases where PHY is locked up during initialization.
We recommend having XI available at the time of reset.
For DP83848K-MAU-EK, you are correct that PHY is reset…
Part Number: DP83848I-POE-EK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83848I , Hi,
I am trying to use DP83848i in SNI mode to communicate with the processor MC68360.
I got the eval board DP83848I-POE-EK for this Ethernet chip (Schematic attached).
Jumper setti…
Part Number: DP83848I-POE-EK Hi Team,
My customer is using DP83848N (Not in, while I am trying to reach out you through DP83848I-POE-EK) with PoE. when they plug the network cable, overshoots occur in IC's pins (TD-/TD+/RD-/RD+) as the figure shown…
Part Number: DP83848I Hi I'm trying to pass 10base-t ethernet compliance test using DP83848I.
I refered snla239b document.
I don't have packet gernerator equipment(smartbit) so I used packet generator software called "Colasoft Packet Builder"…
Part Number: DP83848J Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83848K-MAU-EK , DP83848I-POE-EK Hi Team,
Can you please help addressing below queries.
How to find the IP address for Evaluation kits DP83848K-MAU-EK & DP83848I-POE-EK?
Kindly suggest USB cables…
DP83848 MAU EVM has RMII support. Please see more information on the product page for that board.