Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 , DP83869HM Tool/software: Hello tech team,
if two DP83869 chips being linked by fiber to extender RGMII at 1Gbps, will it work by hardware setting without MCU in control?
Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 , Tool/software: Hi,
We are currently developing a 100M media converter (100base-TX to 100base-FX) using the DP83869. However, this chip has more functions than we need, and it seems over…
Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 Tool/software:
I am facing issue when two DP83869 evm boards interfacing with SFP MODULE(simplex) make : OPTONE P/N: SFP-WDM-SM-0160DIA, Both evm have made with 100B-T to 100B-FX mode, …
Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 Hello, the Ethernet port on my DP83869EVM isn't recognized by my laptop
are there some jumpers or register settings that I need to set?
I'm trying to test my RGMII interface with this…
Hi Esteve,
Thank you for confirming. Did you have any packets generator to check throughput other than laptop? Or did you see the similar scenario with different laptop?
Hillman Lin
Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869 , DP83869HM Hi,
I have an older DP83869EVM Board which has an engineering sample (pre-release silicon) DP83869A mounted (about 3 years or even older).
How likely is it to get a board with…
Part Number: DP83869EVM
Hi ,
I am trying to configure DP83869EVM for 1000base T to 1000base-X with below strap setting which is taken form the datasheet.
For Default settings, I am not making any changes in the EVM and below are settings I am doing…
Part Number: DP83869EVM Hi
I was looking at the DP83869EVM reference design which we are planning to use in one of our application.
In reference design I could see PHY-MDC pin is connected to PM_UCB1SDA and PHY-MDIO pin is connected to PM_UCB1SCL.
I wanted…
Part Number: DP83869EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869
Hi together,
we want to connect a GigE Vision camera from Basler over two DP83869EVM Kits to a notebook. After a few seconds the connection…
Hi Rahul ,
i have one more question :-