Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: Is there a low power operational mode for the DRV3901-Q1? From the datasheet, all that is specified is a maximum draw in STANDBY of 2.5mA. Is there a typical value to reference?
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Application team:
We want to get DRV3901-Q1 IBIS model for SPI simulation but we cannot see on the
could you provide the simulation model file for SI simulation ?
Thank you
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: CONFIG2 bits 9-8 are for VDRV_UV_FLTR - undervoltage glitch filter
I have this set to 00, which should set the time interval to 233.1 to 294.5 us
the VDRV BIAS under voltage hysteresis shows typically 0.2 V (test…
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: What the the SPI frequency range for the DRV3901-Q1?
Also, would it be possible to get the schematics for the eval board?
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: Does the nFAULT/NAD pull-up resistance have to go to VDD (5V) for correct SPI address setting?
I am interfacing the device with a 3.3V microcontroller, so need to know whether I will need to level shift this signal…
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: hello.
A few weeks ago, I received the 'User Guide' file for the DRV3901-Q1 EVM product.
Can you provide schematic data for the EVM Board?
Also, can I purchase…
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM2632-Q1 , Tool/software: I am attempting to implement a fault diagnostic between the MCU and the DRV3901-Q1. I am repeating the following two SPI transactions. 1. Write to CMD1 to CLR_FAULT, 2…
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Team,
Please support me to understand what is the nominal supply current Auxiliary low voltage supply.
I have a question though. Do you think that deploy will work with a resistor that does not burn? As far…
Part Number: DRV3901-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Team,
Can you please support us answer the following queries
1. How do we ensure that the pyrofuse is successfully deployed or there is connection break at OUTH/OUTL pin for the pyrofuse, if the supply voltage…