Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi TI Team,
We have a few questions relating to the locking function of DS125DF410.
What is the guaranteed VCO locking range of DS125DF410? Is it 9.8GHz ~ 12.5GHz?
What's the relationship between Reg 0x08 (Starting VCO cap dac…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi, this is Minkyu Cho in SECUI.
I already uploaded the case at
But I will tell you the phenomenon of this issue…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi Team,
Customer currently found the duty cycle of their REF CLK is around 44.5%. And our D/S doesn't give such requirements for duty cycle of REF CLK. Do you think are there any risk for customer application here?
Best, …
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi team
Could you help check if a 25MHz external Osc. which is not the sync-E recovered clock could be as the 25M reference clock of DS125DF410 in a sync-E application?
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi, I'm trying to configure DS125DF410 for 5.94Gb/s data rate I then calculated ppm count for 11.88Ghz and used divide by 2 in order to achieve a lock for the desired data rate.
After not receiving any signal on the other end…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi, This is Minkyu Cho.
I'm using DS125DF410SQ retimers on system.
The issue is port link down randomly on 10G link state. 1G has no problem.
CPU support 1G/10G Serdes.
Please check the below register settings and attached…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH1226 Hello, I'm trying to configure DS125DF410 for SDI signal with 1.5Gb/s data rate and I cannot find it in the standard table.
Can anyone help me set up the correct values for all 3 channels…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Is CDR Reset mandatory in DS125DF410SQ ?
I only set the regiser like as below.
1. Set 0xff register to 0x0c
2. Set bits 5:4 of register 0x36 to '2b11
3. Set 0x2f register to 0xf6
4. Set 0x15 register to 0x42
There was no…
Part Number: DS125DF410 I have some question.
1. What does it mean "Front-Port Ingress (Module-to-Host)"??
ex. SFP+ ==> Retimer ==> CPU ???
2. We are going to use as Ethernet(10.3125G/1.25G) mode.
And we will use two retimer(DS125DF410…
Part Number: DS125DF410 Hi,
Good Day. I have a customer who has a query about DS125DF410. Please see below his query for your reference. Thank you very much.
I using the DS125DF410SQ by setting it to below register.
1. Set 0xff register to 0x0c