Part Number: DS280DF810 Tool/software: Hi,
We use the DS280DF810 in the QSFP retimer design, and we consider the 4 ports SFP28, and please advise if this schematic design is right or wrong?
And I read in the datasheet that signals with the same insertion…
Part Number: DS280DF810 Tool/software: Hi Ti Team,
We are using the DS280DF810ABVT on our card to mux/demux the eCPRI interface to two different QSFP28 connectors. Please find the attached block diagram for your reference. The QSFP28 uses a CAUI-4 C2M…
Part Number: DS280DF810 Tool/software: Can you help to advice where can we get the file DS280DF810_Updater.exe for both Repeater and Retimer profile ? Thanks in advance.
We could not find the DS280DF810_Updater.exe in the SIGCONARCHITECT-REPEATER-PROFILES…
Part Number: DS280DF810 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS250DF810 Tool/software: Hello!
I'm considering to use the DS280DF810 as a repeater for high-speed differential signals (25Gbps).
Can the DS280DF810 pass PRBS-31 pseudo-random signals?
Part Number: DS280DF810 Tool/software: Hi! I am planning to use the IBIS-AMI model of the DS280DF810 to perform a simulation.
Could you please provide me with the IBIS-AMI model of the DS280DF810?
Best regards Tetsuya Kita
Part Number: DS280DF810 Tool/software: Hi, I have a problem with the installation of Texas Instruments SigCon Architect EVM GUI Setup with RTE I would appreciate help on this matter.