Part Number: DS90UB903Q-Q1
For our new project, I are evaluating the DS90UB903Q-Q1 /4Q SER/DES.
Evaluation Kit SERDESUB-21USB / NOPB is not available.
Is there a schematic, layout, gerberfiles to download?
So that I can make the board myself.
Part Number: DS90UB903Q-Q1 Hi, team
I am using the 903/904 serdes pair to transfer image.
I have the following troubles:
1.The 903's MODE=H and 904's MODE=L, according to the D/S, the mcu on the 903 side should can access the registers of 903 and 904…
Part Number: DS90UB903Q-Q1 Hi, Team
I am using the DS90UB903 & DS90UB904 Serdes pair to transfer image, and I have a trouble:
the register 0x0C's field LINK DETECT of 903 is 1 when not connected with the 904(the cable is plug out), even when no valid…
Hello Pieter,
I am not sure if this device pair will work since the PCLK you are looking for is lower than 20MHz which is the minimum supported by this device.
You may use the following pair:
DS90UB903Q-Q1 SER - 18-bit Parallel input - 10-43MHz - FPD…
Part Number: DS90UB662-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UR904Q-Q1 , DS90UB904Q-Q1 , DS90UR906Q-Q1 , DS90UB926Q-Q1 , DS90UR903Q-Q1 , DS90UB903Q-Q1 , DS90UR905Q-Q1 , DS90UB925Q-Q1 Hey team,
Just a quick question that came up - do we have any collateral that…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LX2121 , DS92LX2122 , DS90UB904Q-Q1 , DS90UB903Q-Q1 Can two deserializers (DS92LX2122) be driven from one DS92LX2121
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB903Q-Q1 , DS92LX2121 Hello,
For our new project, I are evaluating the DS90UB903Q-Q1/4Q SER/DES. I have already bought the Evaluation Kit. Both Ser/Des working very well.
But a few days ago, when I search on web some alternative…