Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Tool/software: Hello
What is the expected value in the 0x2B register?
Per datasheet the register is reserved, but during a failure analysis we are seen that the suspected part has a Value of 10 and the good parts have a Value…
Part Number: DS90UB936-Q1 Tool/software:
Hello. I am currently using the DS90UB936 to pair with the DS90UB913. I assume that the serializer is sending a PCLK of about 75MHz in RAW10. The deserializer is connected to the CSI output in RAW10 mode…
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Team!
Can you please help us to send the IMDS of the next reference??
Valeo PN: F010077938
Valeo IMDS Address ID: 33202
Please confirm us once you have sent it to us.
We appreciate…
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Tool/software: Hi All,
I have a question about the DS90UB913A EVM.
If I'm not using power over coax, is it okay to design it by deleting the part in the red box below? Also, R80's 49.9 Ω is only…
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB914A-Q1 , LMH0340 , LMH0341 , LMH0397 Tool/software: Hi,
I would like to have Ti’s experts to please advise and suggest SerDes chip for passing high data rate stream up to 500Mbps to 3Gbps…
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB913Q-Q1 , DS90UB914Q-Q1 Tool/software: Message:
I'm currently working with the DS90UB913 serializer in a project, and I'm experiencing an issue where the PCLK drops down to 50/25…
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB913A-CXEVM Hi All,
Please let me know if you have any candidate/recommended connectors/cables when using the DS90UB913A-CXEVM.
Best Regards, Ishiwata
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Topic linked to Thread ID: 1345118
Could customer lower clocks and or rise and fall times with UB913/4 to ease PCB routing and EMC probation?
If so please share which register settings influence this.
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Dear E2E forum participants,
I would like to use the components DS90UB913(I2C master) and DS90UB914 (I2C slave) to realize an I2C communication via a twisted pair cable from the I2C master via the I2C slave to an EEPROM.
Part Number: DS90UB913A-Q1 Hi Team,
Hope you are doing well!
In the datasheet of DS90UB913A/914A , it's only support 3 modes: 12-bit low frequency mode 、 12-bit high frequency mode 、 10-bit mode.
So, can DS90UB913A/914A support the transmission of 8bit…