Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2422 , , DS92LV3221 , DS92LV3222 Hi,
I have two questions regarding Channel Link II SER/DES. Please see the below my questions.
1) DS92LV2421/2422: As you know, DS92LV2421 Serializer has C|x…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV3241 , DS32EL0421 Deas:
We are promoting the Solution to our LED WALL customer, and we have 2 issues about it:
1. From datasheet I can see below information and could it compute it? Since customer…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2422 ,
hi dear supporting team,
my customer is using DS92LV2421 and DS92LV2422 to transmit 2.78M LCD signal and other low speed control signal over 6m twist cable, below is their sch, could…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2422 , , SN65LVDS93B , SN65LVDS93A Hi Sir
May we know if DS92LV242x can support 24 bit parallel to LVDS bridge IC (1280X720 60fps)?
or if you have other suggestion IC?
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2422 Team,
I have a customer who is looking at using the DS92LV2421, but wanted to know the following:
"If I use this part in the system, can it work for an isolated system?
Consider the…
Part Number: DS92LV2421
We are searching the SerDes IC which supports YUV Input in catalog spec.
We are considering DS92LV2421, but it seems to support RGB only.
Do you have the serdes IC which can accept YUV data?
Or do you have an IC that can…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2421 , LV24EVK01 , DS92LV2422 Hi
The customer is evaluting LV24EVK01 with DS92LV2421/2422 BIST mode.
If the 25.175MHz clock is input to DS92LV2421, then the same clock 25.175MHz is output in DS92LV2422.
And LED1 and…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Hi
I have questions about DS92LV2421/2422.
1. Does this device support YUV?
2. Is the control signal we can send data enable, HS, VS only?
3. I assume the following.
RGB/YUV -> Serializer -> Deserializer -> RGB/YUV…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS92LV2422 , , DS15EA101 , DS15BA101 , DS25BR100 Hello
My industrial customer is considering image transmission using channel - Link II. The data rate the customer is thinking is about 1.8 Gbps. The transmission…
Part Number: DS92LV2421 Hi
I have a question about the eye diagram in the datasheet.
According to the Figure 39, the eye width is 1.286 - 1.396nsec, so that means 716 - 777Mbps.
Reffering the following thread, I think I can calculate its rate as 20MHz…