Part Number: ESD351 Tool/software: Hi
The physical marking of the products we purchased from TIstore is AS, but it is DE according to the datasheet Please help to confirm if there is any change thank you
Part Number: ESD351 Tool/software: I want to clarify the marking information for the part ESD351DPYR . Our database system lists the marking for this part as either "A5" or "DE" , but the current datasheet available on Digi-Key’s website…
Part Number: ESD351 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPD1E10B06-Q1 , TVS0500 Hello,
I am a beginner in the field of ESD protections and need the support of TI to choose the right ESD protection component and design the circuit.
An external signal…
Part Number: ESD351 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25886 , TPD4E001 , TPD4E6B06 , TPD4E1U06 , PMP40496 , TVS0500 Good Morning,
I had a problem concerning the part number BQ25886 […
Part Number: ESD351 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVS0500 , ESDS314 , TVS3301
My customer is interested in the ESD351 for USB2.0 interface in factory auto. application since the size is much small.
In the d/s, it says it can sustain the surge IEC 61000…
Hi Will,
ESDS302 should be able to work with I2C. A few other options with low clamping voltages would be ESD351 and TPD1E1B04 . What is the device needing protection? This can also determine which device to recommend.
Please let me know if you have additional…
Hi Kaveh,
We have a few recommendations for Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces.
For Ethernet, there are a few options: ESDS30x (this is either a 2 or 4 channel, unidirectional device with a 3.6 working voltage), ESDS31x (this is also either a 2 or 4 channel…
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