Part Number: EVMK2EX Hi, all
Now our team use EVMK2E board normally with default flash setting (U-boot on NOR Flash, others (file system, kernel...) on NAND Flash),
We know EVMK2E support SATA driver and want to put others (file system, kernel...)…
Part Number: EVMK2EX Hi team,
My customer has been designing AM62 by reference to EVM2KX. Could you please tell me the impedance control value of Y2_P, Y2_N, Y3_P and Y3_N?
Best regards,
Shunsuke Yamamoto
Hi Saurabh,
Sorry for delayed response,
You have been using K2E RTOS SDK, whether you are using ARM or DSP example projectas reference?
I have analysed the code of QMSS.
saurabh prajapati said: Qmss_queuePush (gPaTxQHnd
Qmss_queuePush (gPaTxQHnd[nssGblCfgParams…
Part Number: EVMK2EX Hi,
I change the DDR3 so-dimm to a 4GB NON-ECC one.
Set ECCCTL to 0 (ECC disabled)
After Boot into POST. Read DRAM Address 0x80000000 cause system hang
Use any size of DDR3 w/o ECC, system still hang.
The same configuration for any…
Hi Ioannis,
I apologize for the delayed response.
1. To change it to "32 mbps"
//cfg->tx.dataRate = CSL_TSIP_DATARATE_16M;
cfg->tx.dataRate = CSL_TSIP_DATARATE_32M;
2. To set timeslots per frame to 512
//cfg->tx.tsPerFrame = 256;
Part Number: EVMK2EX Is there an RTOS driver that's supported by the EVMK2EX eval board to use the 10GbE port? The closest example code I've found for using Ethernet at all is the helloWorld sample in the mcsdk_bios ndk examples, but SPRAC57 mentions…
Part Number: EVMK2EX Hi,
We have a custom board based on EVMK2EX with a MT29F8G08ADAFAH4-AAT:FTR NAND chip.
As per this link
We observe that the NAND chip requires either…
Dear Customer,
Sorry for the late response.
Few years ago, I personally mounted the UBIFS on K2H board by following the guide given here. Go to section "Using_UBIFS_file_system"
6320.MCSDK UG Chapter Exploring - Texas Instruments Wiki.pdf