Part Number: HD3SS3411-Q1 Tool/software: Hi.
Due to confidentiality considerations, the customer is not willing to post the circuit diagram, please provide private chat on E2E to send private message
Part Number: HD3SS3411 Hi team,
the datasheet and package drawing and 3D models conflicts with each other in terms of pin assignments. which is correct?
Part Number: HD3SS3411 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS3USB3031 Hi team,
do we have device to support below block diagram function? the BW should be >2.5G.
Part Number: HD3SS3411-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS3411 Hello,
Good day!
We have a system that connects to an endpoint via PCIe Express, featuring a mechanical relay for ON/OFF functionality. This system can be considered hot-pluggable. In…
Part Number: HD3SS3411 Dear Team,
The specification of HD3SS3411 mentions little added jitter, how much jitter will be added? Does tSW=0.5ns mean that the Latency is 0.5ns?
Many Thanks,
Part Number: HD3SS3411 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUXHS4412 Hi Experts,
Customer wants to use either of the following in a matched impedance context. What is the impedance of these devices?
We are looking to have an impedance around…