Part Number: HD3SS6126 We have an USB 3.0 MUX requirements .Refer the below block diagram .
The HS & SS signals are the inputs to Mux from Processor or Host controller. We prefer to use one common USB 3.0 port to switch between the direct SS & HS signal…
Part Number: HD3SS6126
In a drawing of HD3SS6126's WQFN package (RUA) in the data sheet, what appear to be metal exposed outside are seen. I'd like to confirm if these are really metal or not.
Best regards, Shinichi Yokota
Part Number: HD3SS6126 Hi,
My customer indicated that he needed the function that there is no signal output after the chip is powered off, and there is no need for compensation. According to customer requirements, it is only used as a switch. HD3SS6126…
Part Number: HD3SS6126 Hello
We required USB 3.0 Switch for our design.
In HD3SS6126RUAR ,enable (HS_OE) is only given for USB 2.0 .
HS_OE =0
Then HSA to HSB will active (USB 2.0 port is selected)
So on the same time USB 3.0 port will select…
Part Number: HD3SS6126 Hi
I need the same chip but with large range of temperature.
Industrial should be OK, even automotive will be good.
Do you have another PN?
Thank you
Part Number: HD3SS6126 Hi, Expert
For HD3SS6126, how to do thermal pad, connecting to GND or not. I didn't find the description in the datasheet.