Dear Kuramochi-san
HDC1080 and HDC1050 are 100% software compatible.
It's possible to use exactly the same software control for the HDC1080 and HDC1050.
HDC1080 and HDC1050 are 100% compatible (hardware and software).
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , HDC1080 Our design has used the HDC1050 and we are now transitioning to the HDC1080. Our initial tests show a large discrepancy (humidity measurement) between the two devices. When compared to a Humidity Reference…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , TMP75 Following the guide figure,I wrote some codes,the sensor hdc1050didn't received data of temperture and humidity.MCU is msp432.
and application always cycle around at the sentence“MAP_I2C_masterSendMultiByteNext…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , HDC1000 , HDC1010 , HDC1080 Hi all,
Please help me interfacing HDC1050 temp sensor to Ras pi 2 board. I am using smbus and python to read the sensor. When i try to read MSB and LSB together its not supporting smbus…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , HDC1000 , TIDA-00374 , TMP006 , HDC1080 , SYSBIOS , OPT3001 , CC2650 Hello:
I have one HDC1050 and it's connect CC2650DK via i2C,
Does any sample code ? Thank you.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , MSP430G2553 , HDC1080 Hi!
I've been trying to use HDC1050 sensor with msp430g2553 but I'm not getting any result.... Do you have experience with this sensor? Could you recommend me some I2C example codes for msp430g2553…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 , SMARTRF06EBK , HDC1000 , CC2650STK , CC2650 Hello :
I have one HDC1050 sensor like this :
I want to connect CC2650DK , what can I do ?
Thank you .
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 Hi,
Is it possible to have multiple HDC1050's on the same I2C bus? In other words is there a way to change the I2C address so that they are not all the same? The datasheet only mentions the one address.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1050 Dear Sir
Our end customer would like to know the dew point of HDC1050
Does TI have dew point calculator or any design guide for dew point ??
Dew Point: +/- 2.5 °C (-44 °C to 79 °C )