Part Number: ISO7220AISO7220A is used to drive LLC PWM pulses of 100khz- 250khz to PWM driver ucc27714DR. whenever pulses come into mosfets by sensing 400V at the input at that time both driver and Digital isolator is failing.
For your reference, I am…
Part Number: ISO7220A Hi
Ive tried converting the available IBIS model to PSPICE Using model editor , but the file isnt getting uploaded into ibis translator .
Is there a way you can provide me with the spice model
Part Number: ISO7220A We are using an ISO7220 as a substitute part in an older design.
We have seen on some of our boards that when the device first powers up, the output does not reflect the input. Once the input is changed, the output then follows the…
Part Number: ISO7220A Hello Everyone!
I have a question about reliability data of TI Part.
Can I get the FIT or MTBF values of ISO7221AD (TI part number)
I tried several time in the website but I couldn't find the reliability values.
Can you explain…
Part Number: ISO7220A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7720 Hi
In my design , I would like to use ISO7220 to isolate the negetive and positive signal, the signal is send to MCU which is in the positive voltage domain. Is the function right ?
Part Number: ISO7220A I'm seeing an issue with this device which produces a pulse at B1 and B2 when the device is powered. Without any input to A1 or A2.
Checking the way the device is powered at switch on, it appears that if V1 and V2 are not applied…
Part Number: ISO7220A Is the initial OUTx state known when VCCO is powered normally (say 3.3V), and VCCI is unpowered?
I have an application where the VCCI domain may not be powered when the VCCO domain is active. I am wondering if the OUTx outputs start…
Part Number: UCC27714 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7220A , UCC27714 driving half-bridge LLC converter mosfets. ISO7220A giving pulses to UCC27714 to drive mosfets. initially controller senses input voltage of 400V gives PWM pulses of 250KHZ at dead…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7220A Hi,All
Let me ask you a question about ISO7220A.
For example , Can I replace ISO7220 with HCPL-M611-560E(AVAGO Inc.) ?
What parameter should I compare ?
Pin compatible is not an important.
I am looking forward…