Part Number: ISO7241C-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
we are using in the design that is in the production the part ISO7241CQDWRQ1.
PCN 241119009.2 stats there are some changes in datasheet, and the new (rev B) datasheet shows differences in thermal, switching…
Part Number: ISO7241C-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7741-Q1 , ISO6741-Q1 Hello,
I wanted to know the difference between the ISO7241 automotive variant (AECQ certified) and industrial variant. I saw in the QRP packaging datasheet that the amount…
Part Number: ISO7241C-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models Hi Team,
Looks like there is only IBIS model available for this part. One of my customer is requesting for PSPICE model. Do we have one available for…
Hamamoto -san,
1.5 times is good estimate for the max currents to typical ratio even at 2Mbps. The 1Mbps to 2Mbps dynamic current contributions are quiet similar.
Sarangan Valavan
Hi Nakayama-san,
Thanks for reaching out.
YOSHIHIKO NAKAYAMA said: 1. Does these parts share the same Chip?
Yes, they have the same chip used in both devices.
YOSHIHIKO NAKAYAMA said: 2.If YES, difference is only AEQ certification?
Correct, the Q1 rated device…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7240CF-Q1 , ISO7241C-Q1 , ISO7240C , ISO7240CF Hi Expert,
According to datasheet of ISO7240CF-Q1/ISO7240C-Q1, ESD protection is defined 4kV (I believe that this spec is Vpeak.).
However, there is no description about RMS…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7241C , BQ24105-Q1 , TPS57040-Q1 , SN6501-Q1 My application requires me to put a CAN transceiver in the circuit. The MCU communicates with the CAN transceiver through a Digital Isolation Barrier IC - ISO7241C. My input…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76PL536A-Q1 , ISO7241C , BQ76PL536 Hello,
in our application we have a 144s2p battery which is diveded in two seperate 72s2p stacks which are connected in series. Each stack is supervised by 12 bq76pl536A-Q1 (So one BQ76…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76PL536A-Q1 , ISO7241C Dear TI-Support Team,
I have an issue with the BQ76PL536A-Q1 used for cell surveillance in our BMS.
System overview:
Our automotive battery consists of two battery stacks with a 72s2p configuration…
Isolation University.xlsx
I have attempted to include an excel sheet from the Isolation Department's ISO University. It contains several links to collateral explaining isolation and it's applications. If the attachment failed, type "iso/" in…