Part Number: ISO7840
Hi all Just in case, we would like to confirm ISO7840F's function table.
<ISO7840F's function table which we assume> Vcci : PU, Vcco : PU, INX : High , EN2 : High or Open -> OUTX : Low Vcci : PU, Vcco : PU, INX : Low…
Part Number: ISO7840 Hi all Would you mind if we ask ISO7840? Input voltage of Absolute Maximum Ratings is VCCX + 0.5V. If voltage applies to INX without VCC1 supply(no power supply), it exeeds Absolute Maximum Ratings. Does it means there is internal protection…
Part Number: ISO7840 Hi all Would you mind if we ask ISO7840? <Question1> How much is the capacitance value at each pins? If you have these data, could you give us as the reference? <Question2> On the datasheet Figure.17 P20, we guess that "Input (Device…
Thank you for your inquiry.
We do not have a wider package for the ISO7240C device.
However, we do have other digital isolator devices with a larger package size, such as the ISO7840 device. The ISO7840 is available in a larger ultra-wide body…
Hi all, Would you mind if we ask ISO784X(reiforced degital isolator) series? <Question1> About Reinforced isolation, the minimum creepage distance which based on IEC60950 is 6.4mm. In case of ISO784X, we think the shortest distance along the surface of the…
Part Number: ISOW7840 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7840 , ISO7740 , ISO6740 , ISO7741 Hi,
I would like to use the isow7840 digital isolator to drive with an FPGA, the synchronization lines of four hydrophones submerged in water. The hydrophones are…
Part Number: ADS127L01 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7740 , ISO7840 Hello Team,
My customer is looking for the best-fit SPI digital Isolator for ADS127L01. Can you suggest one?
Part Number: ISO7841 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7840 , Hi
At present, 2 ISO7841 and 12 ISO7840 are used. During a certain normal output, 2 ISO7841 are damaged, and some pins are short-circuited to ground, which is suspected of withstand voltage…
Part Number: ISO7761 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC12050 , ISO7820 , ISO7810 , ISO7840 , ISO7841 , ISO7842 , ISO7821 , ISO7741 , SN6505B , SN6505A Hi support team,
I am using the ISO7761 DW-16 together with the UCC12050 to isolate my voltage measurement…
Part Number: ISO7762 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7840 Hi, a customer is working on a project wihere Viowm 1000VDC(707VAC) with EN61010 reinforced is needed.
At the two digital isolators the datasheet refers to EN61010.
Eg. ISO7840…