Part Number: MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: Good day all,
Shall we get root cause behind "ADC Channal 2 Pin (PA25) failure - not even worked as normal GPIO - in MSPM0L1306?
We were tried to analyze the ADC via Chanel 2 by monitoring…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: Dear Experts,
In a test application on the LP-MSPM0L1306 evaluation board we have observed the generation of a glitch. The following images show the glitch.
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , MSPM0L1306 , SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hello, I'm using UniFlash to program the MSPM0L1306 using serial programming.
At some point I generated a TI-TXT file which failed loading.
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: I created the "gpio_toggle_output_LP_MSPM0L1306_nortos_gcc" example using the CCS Project wizard.
When i choose the GNU v9.2.1 compiler, and turn…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: Hi,
I did a bad manipulation (I presume) and the LP-MSPM0L1306 EVB is not working since this manipulation. I have another on and this second one is working just fine. Here is the complete error text I get since…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: Hi,
I put 2 breakpoint to the while loop in LP-MSPM0L1306 example; gpio_toggle_output.c:
But debugging, 2nd breakpoint become gray and be ignored:
Why? How can I use multiple breakpoint in the while loop?
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: I use the example adc12_triggered_by_timer_event_LP_MSPM0L1306_nortos_ticlang, and I modify some config. I want to use Periodic TIMER's zero event to trigger ADC Single…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi TI,
I am trying to use comparator output to trigger ADC sampling. This part works. But I need to disable the sampling at certain time during my application. When…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SEGGER , UNIFLASH Tool/software: I am unable to program or debug the target on LP-MSPM0L1306 board.
I tried running an example project on LP-MSPM0L1306, and get the error messages below from…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: Hi
I'm trying to get the DALI working on this device and have been trying to follow this tutorial . The issue when I put a breakpoint on the Interrupt subroutine it falls under receive interrupt even though…