Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 , LMZ21701
Dear Sir,
I have designed a quadruple GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Radio-Frequency Front-End, i.e. four RF super-heterodyne independent RF channels in a single Front-End. Then I use a four…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Hello,
What is the RMS output noise of the LP3982 WITHOUT the optional cap on the CC pin?
I see that it is listed as 37uVrms which I assume means WITH the extra capacitor on the CC pin.
Thank you,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Hello,
LP3982 can have an output voltage set from 1.25V - 6V, but WEBENCH restricts this to 1.8V - 3.3V.
Is this intentional (a limitation of the WEBENCH model for this part), or in error?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Hello,
I am using the LP3982 LDO to create multiple rails in my project and I am using the /FAULT output to sequence the rails. The chip has a /SHDN Input Threshold of minimum 2V, which means that the 1.8V output…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Hi
When reading through the datasheet of LP3982, nothing is written about reverse current protection. I can read that the pass element inside the regulator is a mos type, so I expect a parasitic diode in the reverse…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Hi team,
As per the LP3982 datasheet, the datasheet parameters are measured for Vo+0.5V. Which means a drop out of 500mV.
However, figure3 -dropout vs voltage mentions that much lower dropout voltages are possible…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 , LP3892 Hi
does LP3982 have reverse battery protection?
if now how can I achieve it? do you have another component close to it that have it?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 Not sure why, but previously posted this with a bogus part number. Have now corrected the part number.
I'm debugging a new design, and have observed unexpected behavior with an LP3982 (adj version).
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 , UCC384 I designed a dual power supply for +/-4V6 which is powered from +/-5V0. Here I use LP3982-Adj (pos) in combination with an UCC384-Adj (neg). +/-4V6 supplies a few OP-Amps, total current is about 15mA. This…
Part Number: MSP430FR5969 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP3982 , TIDA-01172
I am running an msp430fr5969 at 1.8v ( I have the LP3982 circuit configured for start-up conditions - similar to TIDA-01172 ).
In order to program this chip, I can not use the…