Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102 , TXS02326A , TXS02612 , TXB0102 , TXB0302 Tool/software: Hi. I am looking for voltage level shifter for MIPI RFFE application.
The product should operate up to 52MHz. (MIPI3.0 standard requires…
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0102 , TXU0304-Q1 Hi team,
Is LSF0102 device internal open drain? According to the d.s. application circuit the input and output both need pull up resistor. Customer want to use this device to…
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9517-Q1
Can i use this IC as a bus buffer? I want to use same voltage level in both sides.
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Hi team,
For LSF0102QDCURQ1 , may I know the "max rated current " pin VREF_A pin & VREF_B pin & EN pin?
It's for worst case analysis and to evaluate the power rating of the external component we add on those paths…
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Hi expert,
Could you pls help review below sch? thanks.
And why do we need to choose a pull-up resistor like this? If I choose to high, what will be the impact? thanks.
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0102 , TXU0102-Q1 The pullup resistor requirement in the datasheet is as follows. Is the leakage current of the MCU already taken into account in this equation? Thanks!
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0102 I am goint to use the device LSF0102QDCURQ1 as I2C voltage level translator, from a 3,3 V I2C bus (VCCB) to a 1,8V I2C bus (VCCA) and viceversa. I was checking for compatibility with the…
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102-Q1 , Hi team,
What's the difference between LSF0102-Q1 and TXS0102-Q1, except for data rate, supply current in the below the Excel? And from the technology family aspects, what is the difference…
Part Number: LSF0102-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0202 I have a doubt while switching EN of ISOLATOR will fail the device VREFA and VREF B supply's will be provided separately and controlled via a switching circuit. Design attachment provided…