Hello Ethan and Clemens, I understood that required rising time condition is different between MAX232E and application note example. In fact, case of MAX232E is "2us". On the other hands, if this device will meet 4% of unit interval, it should be "1.6us…
Part Number: MAX232E Tool/software: HI team,
Customer ask a situation when VS+ /VS- are not recoomended condition by accident.
Q1: When VS+ or V2- are open, what does it happens?
Q2: When a GND which VS+ / VS- connected thru 1uF become floating, what…
Part Number: MAX232 Tool/software: Hi Team
The RS232 chip (model MAX232DRG4) is used in the inter-board communication of charging pile products. Customer found an inter-board communication failure occurs when some piles are charged on-site. The fault is…
Part Number: MAX232E Tool/software: Hi, I would like you to confirm about below. Q1, I understand that this device support up to 250kbps as data rate. So, I understand that this device support baudrate "115200 bps". Is my understanding correct …
Part Number: MAX232 Tool/software: We need UL Recognized Component (UR) certificates for below part.
Part Number: MAX232E Tool/software: Dear Team,
I hope you are doing well.
I am reaching out regarding PCN# 20240221008.1, which pertains to the qualification of RFAB using the qualified process technology, die revision, datasheet updates, and the addition…
Part Number: MAX232E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3232E Hi,
May I know the difference between MAX232E and MAX3232E?
Could they be replacement for each other?
Thanks and Best regards,
Part Number: MAX232 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3232 , , TRS3232E , TRS3232 Tool/software: I would like to find the best suitable replacement for obsolete part number DS14C232CM - 2/2 Transceiver Full RS232 16-SOIC. DigiKey suggest MAX232 or MAX3232…
Part Number: MAX232 Regarding unused pins, the following answer was given.
No; these logic inputs must not be allowed to float, so you need to connect them to VCC or GND.
7.3.2 of the datasheet states that there is a pull-up resistor.
I hear that there…
Part Number: MAX232E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3232E , MAX3232 Customer needs an IBIS model for the MAX232E.
We see that there is a model for the MAX3232E.
Is it accurate to use the MAX3232E IBIS model in leu of a model for the MAX232E?
If not…