Part Number: MAX3318 I am looking for either the Junction-to-Ambient thermal resistance of the MAX3318IPW part or its maximum allowable Junction Temperature.
Hi Parker,
Please find below details shared by customer.
Scope shots of the RIN pin and the ROUT pin. Also probe the /INVALID pin during tests, as that will verify that the device is receiving valid data? During communication, Rin pin receives command…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MAX3318E Are the MAX3318E ROUT pins always driven/active or tri-state/highZ/floating in FORCEOFF/Pwer Down mode?
Page 5 (terminal functions table) of the spec says: “FORCEOFF - Force-off input, active low. Drive low…
Part Number: TRS3238 Hi Sir
I use cross reference to search MAX3218 replace part. but TI web is show TRS3238. i also use parameter to search. but i find MAX3318 may much closed.
but i am not sure if it cam full replace MAX3218. may you pls advise me if…