Part Number: MSP430F1232 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430DW28 , MSP-EXP430FR5969 , MSP-FET Hi Team,
A customer wants to use MSP430F1232 using Code Composer Studio. He doesn't have an MSP-FET instead he wants to use the built-in eZ-FET from …
Part Number: MSP430F1121A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430DW28 Hi Sir,
This is IC programmer manufacturer.
We help customer to develop the programming tool on our programming systems.
Now, customer needs MSP430F1121AIDGV (TVSOP20)and we didn…
Hello Usman,
This appears to be a hardware issue, please provide schematic and layout images so that the issue can be further debugged. Reset and Vcc circuitry should be very similar to that of the MSP-TS430DW28 from the Hardware Tools User's Guide…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-GANG , MSP-TS430DW28 , MSP-EXP430FR5739 , MSP430G2553 Hi,
I am in the midst of designing a battery-less tag for 800/900MHz with transmitting distance of less than 10 feet.
However, may I know how to load the software onto…
When FET430UIF is plugged in the LEDs blink. The pattern is
RED-RED-RED-GREEN and then the green stays on. => hardware is ok.
This is the first time I intend to debug my project with CCS V4. And CCS did not ask for any firmware update. => firmware…