Part Number: AWRL1432BOOST Tool/software: We refer to the examples code radar_toolbox_2_10_00_04-Kick_to_Open
Added MMWAVE_L_SDK_05_05_00_02 - drivers\mcan\mcan_external_read_write
But it seems that the performance is insufficient and it cannot work…
Part Number: AWRL6432BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWRL1432 Tool/software: In the new version radar_toolbox_2_30_00_12, the Kick_to_Open project has been removed? This problem has not been solved!
Hey Johnny,
We will be releasing the Radar Toolbox by the end of this week. I apologize for the shifting deadline, but we are entering our final clean up before release.
Hi Fernando, it looks like the debug connection is running which is goof. Looking back at your error, it looks like you may be missing something on the IDE side since this is throwing an error during compilation. Can you do a clean reinstall and also make…
Part Number: AM2634 Tool/software: I am trying to enable all ECC checks; I think I have the latest everything from (CCS 12.8, CLANG 4.0, MCU+ 10.0), and when I import the data-cache example from \ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am263x_10_00_00_35\examples\sdl…
Part Number: LP5811 Tool/software: Hello,
I am using LP5811 and will be planning to use the Analog dimming and was wondering if there is any example source code of any kind.. I looked at the responses to similar forum questions but the links given there…
Hi Jagadish,
I was able to revise the TI sample code in "C:\ti\Hercules\HALCoGen\v04.07.01\examples\TMS570LC43x\ example_rtiBlinky.c ", and now have software that can run on the TMS570LC43 eval board, to blink the two user green LEDs. The revised HL_sys_main…
Part Number: MSP432E401Y Tool/software: Hi,
I have an application that starts by initializing most functions in a 'c' program then goes into assembly code for most functionality after that. The application operates at remote sites and communicates…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hello, is the code on which the current measurements from the Low Power Optimization Guide ( SLAAEO ) are based to be found somewhere? In particular for the ADC example and the transition from RUN0 to STANDBY1 Thanks…
Hi Austin,
Unfortunately, we don't have the example for this device.
Here, is how its connected and configured on TMDSCNCD28388D, please double check them.