Part Number: MSP430AFE252 Tool/software: To refund money from Payt'M for a wrong transaction, you should immediately contact Paytm's customer support: ((7682-072839)) call Now ✓andTo refund money from Payt'M for a wrong transaction, you should immediately…
Part Number: MSP430AFE252 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2512 Hello,
I use the silicon to do Approximity sensor design on my own board via CapTIvate center(studio), I need to test the raw count data from 20 C to 50C and I set LTA filter to 7(highest…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252 , MSP430AFE253 Dear Sir
Good Morning
We are working on Programming of MSP430afe252 MCU we programmed successfully.When we change the value of CCR1 then duty cycle will changes successfully.
We sense change…
Dear sir,
We want to use Texas MCU MSP430I2041 in our product Single phase convertor
We are not able to program it via Spy-bi using Texas launch pad MSP-EXP430G2
We are using compiler code composer studio v6.1.0
Please guide to program MCU.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252 Hello.
I wanted to use MSP430AFE252 for interaction with a pressure sensor. The sensor is designed to operate from 3V supply. To ignore any noise on supply rail in device, I supposed to use the same power supply…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252 , CODECOMPOSER Hello all,
I spend at least 8 hours trying to figure out how to programm my MSP430AFE252 with the Olimex BSL Rocket via UART - and failed basically.
Yes, there are lots of FAQs and aplication notes…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252 Hi!
I'm working on a project based around the MSP430AFE252 mcu. I'm using a LaunchPad to program and debug the application. In my app there is a timer interrupt. My problem is that the debugger never stops…
Part Number: MSP430F6736 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6779 , , MSP430F6749 , MSP430F67491 , MSP430F67791 , MSP430F47197 , MSP430F4794 , MSP430AFE252 , MSP430AFE253 , MSP430AFE251 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi TI Team,
We have working with EVM430F6736…
Dear Sir
Thanks for your reply.
We use above emulation board.
We programmed successfully MSP430AFE252 MCU with above attached board image at time of programming we removed shorting links and we connected four pin connector wires between Emulation side…