Part Number: MSP430F1611 Tool/software: Hi team,
This is a follow up to the related question where the customer is placing the MSP430 on the board without it being programmed. We've also found out that once the crystal begins to oscillate and runs…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Dear TI expert,
Now i am designing a BMS with use MSP430F1611 UART1 communication with one host, the host use modbus protocol, only two device, so i use the asynchronous communication formats, the idle-line format is used for…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Dear TI expert,
Now i am using MSP430f1611 design one CanOpen project.
the clock frequency=230400
the timer work in UP mode, the initial TACCR0=23040, the interval is 100ms, The TACCR0 CCIFG interrupt flag is set when the timer…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F149 msp430F1611 cannot replace 149
Because of the capacity of RAM, choose MSP430F1611 instead of MSP430F149. The software has been modified accordingly. on the same printed board. The board…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Hi,
Im my appliaction programm, using USART1 to receive command from other control unit, as soon as the address is received, triggering a timer, when the timer is expired, a software generated PORT1 interrupt is envoked to interpret…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 I new in CCS, and I trying to convert a IAR assembly project to CCS using TI compiler v21.6.0.LTS. But a don't know how to declare the varible, etc can be see at code below.Somebody could help me?
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio sir this is program part of temperature measurement
int long temp; int long IntDegF; int long IntDegC;
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT ADC12CTL0 = SHT0_8 + REFON + ADC12…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 I wanted to calculate the sample time for extended mode. as written in the manual in the extended mode the SAMPCON will stay high for SHI high time (basically controlled by this signal). what I am not understanding is what SHI…
Part Number: MSP430F1611 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Dear technical support team,
I'm using Code Composer Studio v9.10 in Mac OS with a MSP430F1611. I made some expressions where I can see or set the values of some variables, anyway only…