Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2234 Hi All,
I keep getting this error when trying to load my program onto the MCU.
MSP430: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x0000E006
Please verify target memory and memory map.
MSP430: GEL…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2153 , MSP430F2234 , MSP430F2330 , MSP430F5131 Hello,
I have a little question regarding to the Timer on the MSP430G2153.
I get a signal that is decoded by my program. It works correctly(i think).
With with signal i…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2234 Hello, engineers!
Could you help me to run MCLK from LFXT1CLK source at msp430f2234 device?
Now LFXT1CLK (32.768kHz) sourcing ACLK and it's works fine, but MCLK (and SMCLK) always running from DCO.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2234 , AFE4300 Hello,
I am using an MSP430F2234 uC. I am trying to measure my on board 100R and 1k reference resisotr and a thirsd resisor using the code I have pasted in the end of my message.
The RDY signal is…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2254 , MSP430F2234 , MSP430F2274
Hi, I need to send SMS from PC to Handphone using iTegno
GPRS Modem. The microcontroller that i am using is MSP430F22x4.I am new to
microcontroller and not good in programming.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4152 , MSP430F2234 , MSP430F2370 , MSP430F2350 , MSP430F2330 , MSP430F2274 , MSP430F2254
We have a kit contents called MSP-FET430U64A which contained
one MSP-TS430PM64 target socket module…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2232 , MSP430F2234 I just recently bought the 430 FET USB with development board for the 38 pin MSP430. I have it working ok but I have a MSP430F2232 and want to set a project for it. The problem is when I go to Project…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2234 I got the following error after adding a WDT interrupt handler to my F2234 project:
"../lnk_msp430f2234.cmd", line 82: error: placement fails for object ".int10", size 0x4 (page 0). Available…