Part Number: MSP430F2350 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Design is a small msp430f2350 design running at 2,4 volts.
Am using CCS version 8.2 and an msp-fet as an emulator. Things were working well but have…
Part Number: MSP430F2350 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET ,
Design is an MSP430F2350 running at 2.4 volts, MCLK is 1MHz with ceramic resonator at 4 MHz. Both frequencies are within spec. IDE is CCS Version 8.2 and TI furnished compiler with MSP…
Part Number: MSP430F2350 To reduce the ram usage I'm trying to use the UNION statement in the linker script to overlay the globals in remote_update.c with the globals used in the reset of the firmware. The following works, but I'm not happy with it. How…
Part Number: DRV8870 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8860 , MSP430F2350 , DRV8860EVM Hi,
My customer is evaluating with DRV8860 EVM and they have some related problem. As showed in following figure is the interrupt function in the demo code, it seems…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2500 , MSP430F2350 Hi,
I have built a board of CC2500 + MSP430F2350 and I am trying to test the LED example code. ( )
I have been modified the switch pin, LED pin, GDO and CSN pin in example code…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2350 I want to use SVS functionality with the MSP430F250. But I was surprised that I did not found a definition for the register SVSCTL. I looked for other registers used in the program and they are declared with…
Dear Team,
I have a customer who is using F2350 in production and had a JTAG blown issue . They can only blown JTAG of %85 of F2350. They can programm all devices, but they can not blown %15 percent
Any idea would be great
Best Regards
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TSS721A , MSP430F2350 , MSP430F4793 Hi;
We are using MSP430F2350 with a 32768Hz tuning fork crystal from Citizen:CFS-206 on our metering modules. No external load capacitors are connected,but internally XCAPX =3.We mounted…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2350 I am working with the MSP430F2350 and im trying to learn how to interact with this MSP, so i design a basic system so that i could program it by JTAG conection and it was succesfull but whe the program that…