Part Number: MSP430F2410 Hi,
We have this development board.
We want to use MSP430F2410 chip. Initially we had MSO430F2619 chip on this board and the following code which just echoes character on to UART port works with MSP430F2619chip…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2619 Hi,
Right now we have RX interrupt but TX in a poll mode. Would like to convert TX to interrupt. We need to have a buffer and the TX interrupt handler sends the data from that buffer…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 Hi,
Is there any sample UART driver for MSP430F2410? We want to configure and read UBS message from U-BLox GNSS M8ZOE evaluation board using MSP430 evaluation board via UART.. Is there any sample code that configures the u-blox…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 When we enable both UART1 and UART0 we can’t transmit (nothing is seen on the putty) on UART0. However, we comment enabling UART 1, then we can see what is transmitted on UART0 (can see it on Putty). However, when both are…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 I am trying to figure out the accuracy of the vlo 12kHz oscillator. Are these tested before they are shipped? Should they all technically be 12kHz if running at the right temperature and voltage or is it possible for a chip to…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 Requesting IBIS model: For simulating port I/O and SPI interfaces between the MPS430 and an FPGA located on the PCB 7 inches away.
Part Number: MSP430F2410 Hello,
I found that I never responded to Ilmars.
We were successful in developing a full component level test program for the MSP430 for automated test systems in case anyone else is trying to do the same thing. The program was…
Part Number: MSP430F2410 Hi team,
Good day. Our customer is requesting for the thermal resistance value of MSP430F2410TRGCR. Kindly help us provide this information.
Thank you. Regards, Carlo
Part Number: MSP430F2410 I'm using an MSP430F2410 (without DMA) with USCIB0 as an I2C master, and trying to modify the TI_USCI_I2C_master.c code (from app note slaa382a) to support a repeated-start transaction. The code needs to issue an I2C start…