I am design PCB for MSP430F241RGCR which 64 pin VQFN. I am looking for the footprint for this. I am using Altium.
I was unable to find footprint and PCB recommendation for this device . Can you please send link or refer to any application note .
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hi every one.
I am using MSP430F2410. I would like to download contiki using MSP-FET430UIF.
Can any one suggest some useful link for method to do so.
Best regards
Irfan Awan
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 I noticed on page 25 of SLAU319A under section 3.3.2, it says that "For the BSL to function properly, the oscillator can be at 24 MHz, 12 MHz, 8 MHz, or 4 MHz." Is this true? A F2410 with a 16 MHz oscillator…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 I am currently using the MSP430F2410 and trying to output a couple lines on a 4x20 LCD display and am having issues implementing I2C. I am trying to write three lines to the screen (Test on line 1, 2, 3) when…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hello,
I am having trouble with the ADC12 on my MSP430F2410. I'm using the internal 2.5 voltage reference and (for testing purposes) applying a DC voltage of 1.25 volts to the ADC12. The first time I run the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hi,
I have a problem with msp430f2410 ADC12 - calibration not working as stated in the user guide.
I tried to implement calibration (CAL_ADC_25VREF_FACTOR) as stated in the msp430f24x user guide, page 649…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ77PL900 , MSP430F2410 I need to setup an I2C interface between BQ77pl900 (an AFE) and MSP430F2410 microcontroller
At the moment, with some modifications I'm using the sample code provided by TI, but nothing works out.…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1610 , MSP430F2410 We are planning to interface a 16-bit, 10 MSPS ADC (ADS1610) with the MSP430F2410. Are there going to be any issues reading data into the MSP430F2410 every 100ns?
P BJ said: Error: Program "C:\ti\ccsv7\utils\bin\gmake" not found in PATH
One cause for this type of error is the presence of anti-virus program.
A few others causes are documented in this page: http://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/sdto_ccs_build…
The Timer A0 Initialization sets the Timer A interrupt enable bit TAIE:
TACTL |= TAIE; // Timer A interrupt enable.
Which from the description of the TACTL, Timer_A Control Register in the MSP430x2xx Family User's Guide enables the TAIFG interrupt…